Secure Speech Guide



Since the headline of this page was inspired by the legendary Paul Revere, let’s just call me “Paul”, because I too, want to get the word out to help fellow patriots defend against future attacks.

You either know me personally (and if so, you know who I really am), or someone sent you this link.  As a military veteran with 30 years in the IT and cybersecurity industry, working with and securing businesses of all sizes, I am well-known in my community.

As recent events have unfolded, my phone has been blowing up with requests from friends asking for recommendations for their personal privacy and security.

Since I’m already compiling this information for them, I want to offer it FREE to anyone who wants to further secure their personal privacy.

To get a copy for yourself (as soon as I’ve finished it), fill in the form below and I’ll let you know when it is available…and more importantly, when any updates occur.  I have a feeling this will be an ongoing process as some of our communication lines are being cut, freedoms attacked, and voices silenced.

TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE so I can’t promise it will be a graphically fantastic work of art, but it WILL have valuable information you can act on and put into action IMMEDIATELY.

I will NEVER rent, sell, or otherwise disclose your information – the ONLY reason I’m asking for your email is so I can contact you when the Secure Speech Guide is complete, or updated.

TELL A FRIEND – but please do it via direct-, private- or text-message only.  Please do not share or post this link on ANY social media platforms.  (I have a feeling we need to stay under the radar with this!)

Thank you and you’ll hear from me soon!